A rubbish recycling facility! ! ! !
I love listening to people
telling me about their childhood, but they have to be nippy, or I will be
telling them with a little more relish than perhaps I should about mine, there
is a necessity in most people to share their own enthusiasm, a need, which is
often in their opinion a more exciting past than anyone else.
I was born at the beginning of
the Second World War in a large Kentish town by the side of a curving sheltered
shore, a beautiful bay to the left of the town and a splendid sandy beach that
stretched for miles for my little legs to run along. Bracing sea air mixed with
the smell of coffee, fish and chips, hot-dogs with burnt onions, and candy
humbugs up Harbour Street all mixed in with the smell from the sands and
harbour activities.
In some places a lovely town with
sprawling smug suburbs, Prestedge, all new and posh. Newington with lots and
lots of prefabs now all replaced. Whitehall with its ever-pumping water works
down Whitehall road.
The civic pride of the beautiful
Palace theatre in the high street and the many shiny shops full to bursting
with jostling holidaymakers.
Its many pubs waiting for
Saturday night when the music started, bursting with revelry, everyone was
singing, dancing and laughing, everyone was happy.
Getting to the town centre as
fast as us boys legs would carry us. There were the impressive gas cylinders
that could be seen from any point in the town at the end of St. Luke's avenue
and the smelly coke works at the bottom of Boundary Road with the acrid stench
rising high over the town tickling the nostrils.
This was my world where for a
tup'penny ticket we could spend all day in the station waiting anxiously for
the thunder of the next 'schools class' to appear over the viaduct pulling ten
or twelve coaches full of carnival spirited children with their parents
spilling out onto the platforms accompanied by the roaring clouds of expelling
unwanted steam from the trains cylinders into the station.
Those smells; Freshly baked bread
up King Street, hot pies, piece pudding and fagots drifting out of Woods after
a night in the Odeon.
On the subject title:
On the beautiful coast
overlooking the channel; I'm the first to agree with recycling, but for
goodness sake how daft can this council get. Surely they are joking!
A few years ago Bournemouth was,
like a lot of seaside towns in this country, suffering from a depression with
the lack of tourists visiting the town. So the council, (all three parties at
the time) put their combined heads together and came up with the idea of a
centre that could accommodate functions for the benefit of many of the town
needs. The BIC came out of the many numerous meetings (The Bournemouth
International Centre) it was built ahead of schedule seventeen months later,
right on the sea front, concert hall, ballroom, function rooms and restaurants,
also a conference centre, of which two of the main party political persuasions
have used since, filling the many hotels to capacity. One of these main parties
has tried to book for next year, but unfortunately for them this centre is
fully booked for the foreseeable future. Each weekend the main dual carriage
way is full of coaches and cars flooding into the town bringing in the
much-needed finances, filling the hotels. There are no empty shops, no derelict
spaces, no dirty streets, no unwanted litter. The place is thriving beyond even
the dreams of the councillors who first thought of the idea.
The rocks on the western under
cliff where many of us children of my age collected winkles for
Sunday tea, has been turned into a concreted area that I'm sure, with a little
bit of forethought, could accommodate a facility such as the BIC.
Whatever is decided let the
people in the town build it, give the employment to the people of Thanet that
are having difficulty finding work, not give the project to an off shore
company who are in it to drain the ratepayers pockets of their hard earned
Dare I say it, like they did with
Just a thought
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