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Friday, 15 March 2013

Is it me, or is it getting colder ?

Chiddingstone Kent

The old bones I think are getting soft as age creeps up on me, that wind to me seems more bitter than ever this week. So I don’t want to venture out, my snug little home is too much of an attraction, so I stay indoors and wait for the sunshine, hoping better days are ahead.
The tantalising aroma of freshly baked bread from the kitchen drifts into the lounge and makes my tummy rumble along with that distinctive smell of percolating coffee. Listening to the wind whistling round the eve’s and rustling the trees out the back of where we live, I realised there was a smile on my face this morning as the reflection back to the time when work was the order of the day no matter what the weather was like.
Snuggling down into my favourite armchair, it was time once again to get out my well-worn pencils, to do what I had always hoped I could do when working long hours in the past, those last few years when working I dreamed of the day when retirement came to just sit and sketch some of the fantastic memories of the life I had led, the places I had been to, the people I had been so fortunate to have met and laughed with.
I wanted to jot down the little incidents that I found pleasure in remembering, purely for my own gratification; there are so, so many.
Going through the box of photographs I came across one of Chiddingstone and I remember sitting in the beautiful church grounds one afternoon there, drawing the building opposite next to the Post office, going through my old sketches I found what I had drawn that day. There is a little bit of artistic licence in what I have drawn so I hope the residents of this building can forgive me, but basically it is, how it is, a treasure of our heritage that must be kept for the prosperity and our grandchildren.
But getting back to to day I have been doing a little more to the train drawing of last Wednesday (6th) it’s a long job but I am enjoying doing it.
Thanks for stopping by, please call again.
p.s. I had thoughts today of another memory of Ellington Park which definitely requires a drawing!

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